Greetings and welcome to my lair. I am glad that you have a moment to visit my own personal corner of the web.
This site is just a fun way of expressing my opinions, beliefs and ambitions, as well as to reveal a little personal insight into this
~White Tiger~
Bok Fu's Lair
Theory of Bok Fu (White Tiger ) System of Martial Arts:
A white tiger is an anomaly of nature. Accepting the fact of standing out from the environment, a white tiger that survives in the wild must be cunning and strong. Mind and body have to work together to survive - nothing less. Unable to hide from its enemies, it must understand coversion and explosive counter-attack. Unable to hide his presence from his prey, the white tiger must also be patient and have excellent exacting attack . In total, imperfection Is the beginning of perfection: an enigma in life.